AWB MountingCostsReport September2019


September 19, 2019


To better understand the impact of childcare issues for working parents and the Washington state economy, the Washington State Child Care Collaborative Task Force and partners commissioned a 2019 survey of Washington parents by Elway Research and an economic impact analysis by Eastern Washington University’s Institute for Public Policy and Economic Analysis.

This report, published by the Association of Washington Business in partnership with the U.S. Chamber Foundation, Washington State Department of Commerce, ChildCare Aware of Washington, and Children's Alliance summarizes the findings.

The Mounting Costs of Child Care provides a snapshot and economic impact analysis of how childcare challenges affect Washington state’s workforce participation and economy.

The bottom line? Washington's future depends on quality childcare.

Childcare allows parents to work and prepares our future workforce for success. Quality care settings are critical for early childhood development. Research shows that the brain develops more from birth to five than during all the following years of school.

Access to affordable childcare increases labor force participation and supports state and regional economic growth. Studies have suggested that access to affordable childcare also supports parents seeking additional education and training, which contributes to higher lifetime earnings and greater family success. Likewise, lack of available, affordable care limits family economic advancement and employers' ability to fill jobs.

AWB MountingCostsReport September2019