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National Civics Bee® Chamber Partners

The National Civics Bee® gives chambers of commerce the opportunity to promote greater civic knowledge among young people and their families, while energizing their communities with a celebration of civic pride.

a group of people holding a large check

This year, more than 100 partners are hosting 2024 National Civics Bee® competitions in 28 states, and we're continuing to grow as we prepare for the 2025 National Civics Bee®. Applications for interested chambers are available now and partner onboarding will begin summer 2024. New partners are eligible for grant funding; however, grant funding is limited and will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

2025 National Civics Bee®

Apply Now

New partners are eligible for grant funding, and applications should be submitted asap. Local partners can start your application here, and state partners can start your application here. If you have questions or would like to schedule an info session, contact our team.


Local and State Chambers Leading the Way

Hear firsthand accounts of the competition's significance from those at the heart of our local business communities.

Local and state chambers can apply now to participate in the 2025 National Civics Bee®.

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Chamber Testimonials

Jennifer Holloway, Executive Director, Craig Chamber of Commerce (Colorado)
This initiative not only enriches the minds of our youth but also strengthens the fabric of our community, empowering future leaders and fostering a deeper understanding of civic responsibility.— Jennifer Holloway, Executive Director, Craig Chamber of Commerce (Colorado)
Curtis Jones, Director of Government Affairs, Erie Regional Chamber and Growth Partnership (Pennsylvania)
The National Civics Bee® has been a powerful tool to light a fire for civic engagement and problem solving in a healthy way in many of the youth that participated.— Curtis Jones, Director of Government Affairs, Erie Regional Chamber and Growth Partnership (Pennsylvania)
Whitney Harmel, Executive Director, Maryland Chamber Foundation
By strengthening American civic life, we are supporting a healthy democracy, vibrant communities, and a healthy economic future.— Whitney Harmel, Executive Director, Maryland Chamber Foundation
Esmeralda Villarreal, President & CEO, Brownsville Chamber of Commerce (Texas)
Participation in the National Civics Bee® has been transformative for our chamber, fostering deeper connections with our community's educational institutions. It's not just about knowledge; it's about empowerment and engagement, forging stronger bonds between our chamber, city, region, schools, and families.— Esmeralda Villarreal, President & CEO, Brownsville Chamber of Commerce (Texas)
Caren Epps, Executive Assistant to Robert J. Duffy, President & CEO, Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce (New York)
This event brought together community citizens whose paths would not ordinarily meet. The adults thought this was the perfect political climate to encourage especially young people to become active in their civic lives. The kids were proud to explain and summarize their essays that won them their spot in the contest. It was a wonderful time had by all.— Caren Epps, Executive Assistant to Robert J. Duffy, President & CEO, Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce (New York)

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Latest Report

Our comprehensive new study revealed an alarming truth ahead of America’s 250th anniversary—the nation’s civic knowledge is badly lagging. However, there’s an optimistic outlook and opportunity for business leaders to make a difference.

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