SHRM USCCF Training and Development Survey Report May2021


October 11, 2023


Now more than ever, talent development strategies and investment in employees are critical for organizations to maintain a competitive advantage. However, gaps and challenges in training and development persist—exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

To provide insights to employers and others on the front lines of training the labor force, SHRM and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation partnered to launch new research that explores the current training and development landscape. The study examines employee benefits organizations are offering, talent investment, and workplace challenges that hinder innovative practices. Additionally, the report highlights the appetite employers have for further talent investment and employer collaborations, as well as how employers view the role of government in facilitating these investments and relationships.

SHRM and the Chamber Foundation found employers recognize the importance of strong talent investment and are open to further innovation, but many face barriers to expanding their offerings. There is a clear opportunity to pursue new publicprivate approaches to talent investment that promotes investment in employees, innovation, and employer collaboration.

Read the report to learn more.

SHRM USCCF Training and Development Survey Report May2021